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The网吧 is ope 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I employs a eam of over 20 experieced传奇打金 masers who provide guidace ad suppor o players.
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Players ypically work i shifs of 8-12 hours, durig which ime hey farm for valuable iems ad currecy. These iems are he sold o oher players or o he网吧 iself for real-world currecy.
Earigs ad Profis
The earigs poeial of打金传奇 i his网吧 is sigifica. Skilled players ca ear upwards of $$100 per day, while he op earers ca make over $$1000 per moh.
The网吧 akes a cu of he players' earigs, bu eve afer his deducio, he players sill make a subsaial profi.
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